The Leaderboard uses points to rank you and your colleagues on the number of invitations sent to (and acted on) your accounts.
The Leaderboard screen provides a little friendly competition by showing a list of your teammates ranked by their E-Vite activity. You can see how you stack up against the team based on the number of retailer accounts registered in E-Vite per user, and if those accounts actively use Fintech to pay their invoices. Administrators are able to click on a row within the table for a more detailed view of the user's activity.
Leaderboard Table
By default, the leaderboard is sorted by the Ranking column, which is based off of the Points column. The Points column total comes from the E-Vite scoring system that assigns numeric values to Invited, Registered, and Processed account statuses. The user with the most points is ranked #1 in the list.
The Total Users number in the upper left corner of the table shows the total number of users in your organization. The default view will show the first 10 accounts. You can view more accounts by changing Rows Per Page under the table.
Table Columns
The table includes the following columns:
- Invited accounts - The number of accounts the user has sent E-Vite's to.
- Registered accounts - The number of accounts invited by the user that created a Fintech account but have yet to process invoices through the Fintech Portal.
- Processed accounts - The number of accounts invited by the user that actively process invoices using the Fintech Portal.
- Points - The total points accumulated by a user.
💡 Click the information “i” icon next to the Leaderboard header to reveal the Points System. If a user shows no activity under each of these columns, they still appear on the Leaderboard.
- Registered Account = 5 points
- Processed Account = 10 points
💡 If the invited account is already processing with Fintech, you won’t receive additional points.
⚠️ Contact us if you feel the number of points is not adding up compared to your E-Vite activity.
Your Ranking
You can view your ranking within the My Ranking field beneath the search bar. Click the field to view a list of accounts you have already invited (you will be redirected to the Activity tab; for more information click here: What does the Activity screen show me?:
💡 You can view a summary widget of the Leaderboard page on the Home tab. The table shows the top 3 users in your organization. Click here for more information:What does the Home page tell me?.
Filtering and Sorting
Use the Search bar to narrow down the list of users within the leaderboard table by entering a first and/or last name:
You can also click on a column header to sort the table by it in ascending or descending order.